Contact Us

Medicine for Mali looks forward to your comments and any questions you may have. It’s important to us that our efforts be understood. Sharing your knowledge and experiences can add to our ability to better and more efficiently serve the people of Mali.


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Contact Us

Medicine for Mali looks forward to your comments and any questions you may have. It's important to us that our efforts be understood. Sharing your knowledge and experiences can add to our ability to better and more efficiently serve the people of Mali. If you want to make a financial contribution CLICK HERE. We are also seeking medical, educational, building and other appropriate supplies. Contact us if you can help us acquire these types of materials.

columbus, Ohio office

Medicine for Mali, Inc
2863 Bryden Rd
Columbus, OH 43209

Des Moines, Iowa Office

Medicine for Mali, Inc
4605 80th Place
Urbandale, IA 50322