MFM provides annual teacher training for our 7 schools with 2,000 students. MFM gives yearly scholarships for top male and female students to attend high school in Bamako. MFM trains village management committees to govern their own schools.
MFM has provided a scholarship to the top male and female student of their class to go the high school in the capital Bamako. The scholarships cover expenses such as lodging, transportation, and meals.
Teacher Training with grant from Altrusa International of Columbus
In order to increase the number of students in school, Medicine for Mali provides Teacher Training for 7 village schools. The training emphasizes current best practices. Therefore, we have seen an increase in the number of students in school and especially the number of girls.
The village school management committees area being trained in their roles and responsibilities, including keeping track of finances.
Supervisory visits to each school are done quarterly by the district supervisor. This has not been done before due to lack of government funds.
Incentives for top test performers at school
Small gifts are given to the top female test takers at the school. Community members relate that these incentives were very important as incentives for girls to do well on tests.