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Helping the People of Mali, Africa

Filtering by Category: Microfinance

2013 MFM work continues

Jill DeVore

Good news: all of Medicine for Mali’s is continuing this year, even though the American team could not make it’s yearly visit this winter. For example:

4 new villages (3500 people) will be getting clean water wells this year.

The Malian doctor who held MFM med clinics this year was surprised by the lack of stomach and intestinal aliments in the villagers. He said the clean water wells were the reason, and he thanked MFM for this.

New Micro-finance loans went out to 350 people in 8 villages in 2013.

School-teacher trainings are being held in the villages’ schools. All MFM trained teachers have passed their evaluations. Scholarship students are receiving their money to go to high school in the capital.

A Midwife is coming for monthly prenatal visits to assist and teach the village matrons. Many more women are coming for prenatal visits now!

Public Health trainings and refresher courses are occurring now.

Monthly Immunizations sessions in all villages are occurring. Malaria prevention talks and weighing of children for malnutrition are continuing.