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2014 update - good news


Helping the People of Mali, Africa

2014 update - good news

Jill DeVore

All of the Medicine for Mali programs-Clean water, Micro-finance loans, Teacher training, are operating this year in Mali. In addition Public Health programs of  Matrone training , malaria prevention, and immunizations are on-going this year. Our village volunteers have been trained and work hard on these things every month in their own villages. Dave and Drake U pharmacist John Rovers went to Mali in Feb, 2014. They got 4 new clean water wells installed in even more remote villages. Our villagers told them how much they appreciated the midwife coming to train their village matrones.

MFM hired a  Malian doctor to hold a medical clinic in the Health Center. He was pleasantly surprised by the lack of diarrhea in our area. He had expected to see a lot of this. But, thanks to the clean water in these villages , he did not have patients will this ailment.

The rebellion in the north of Mali has not had a direct effect on our villages as they are far away from this trouble. We are thankful for that.

Ebola has not been found in Mali, as of this writing.