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Ebola training
Jill DeVore
MFM is training the village health volunteers or relais on Ebola and how to give talks to the villagers to educate them on:
- what is Ebola
- what are the symptoms
- how can one prevent getting the virus
- how is Ebola transmitted
- what is the treatment for Ebola
2014 update - good news
Jill DeVore
All of the Medicine for Mali programs-Clean water, Micro-finance loans, Teacher training, are operating this year in Mali. In addition Public Health programs of Matrone training , malaria prevention, and immunizations are on-going this year. Our village volunteers have been trained and work hard on these things every month in their own villages. Dave and Drake U pharmacist John Rovers went to Mali in Feb, 2014. They got 4 new clean water wells installed in even more remote villages. Our villagers told them how much they appreciated the midwife coming to train their village matrones.
MFM hired a Malian doctor to hold a medical clinic in the Health Center. He was pleasantly surprised by the lack of diarrhea in our area. He had expected to see a lot of this. But, thanks to the clean water in these villages , he did not have patients will this ailment.
The rebellion in the north of Mali has not had a direct effect on our villages as they are far away from this trouble. We are thankful for that.
Ebola has not been found in Mali, as of this writing.
Drake Students raising money for solar frig
Jill DeVore
Drake University students in Iowa are raising money for a solar refrigerator for to keep vaccines at correct temperature. So far they have raised $1700, about 1/2 of their goal. Great Job!!! Photo of young mothers and their children waiting for immunizations in one of our villages.
Matron training grant
Jill DeVore
Medicine for Mali is mentioned in this Aid to Africa blog
Jill DeVore
Bexley Church donates scholarships
Jill DeVore
Des Moines Register article
Jill DeVore
Be sure to read this good article by Tony Leys. It discusses Medicine for Mali's work and the fact that the Medical Team is not going to Mali in 2013 but our work continues.
Aid for Africa blog
Jill DeVore
Check out this link. Aid for AfricaAid for Africa posted a nice article about Medicine for Mali and the fact that our work continues in Mali in 2013 even though a trip by American volunteers is not possible this year.
Jill DeVore
Columbus International Programs (CIP) has given Medicine for Mali $1000 for text books for our area of 8,000 people. In these times of difficulty in Mali, this concrete offer of aid for the children will demonstrate Americans concern for Malians. Thank you so much, CIP!
Bexley Methodist Church donates 1 scholarship
Jill DeVore
2nd Altrusa grant for Education
Jill DeVore
Altrusa of Columbus has generously donated a 2nd grant to MFM for teacher training and tutoring for the 2011-12 school year in 4 schools with a total enrollment of 2.000 students.
Laura Delaney recognized for service by DMU
Jill DeVore
Medicine For Mali brunch
Jill DeVore
We all had a fun time in Columbus, OH as friends, neighbors, and family gathered to listed to Jill discuss this years public health and education efforts in Mali. Thanks mom! And, thanks to everyone who attended!